Learn strategies for answering difficult CASPer® questions, review in-depth case studies using Astroff's word-based prompts and professionally produced video, and get answers to FAQ's.
Having this guidance on how to improve your responses allows you to prepare for CASPer® efficiently and effectively. Watch our video for more details on how our courses prepare you for CASPer®.
Two Prep Courses for CASPer:
Level 1 and Level 2
Benefits of Course Level 1:
Learn the Astroff 5-step "Master CASPer®" Plan.
Learn how to improve your background knowledge.
Run through a sample "case study" module.
Debrief case study with same responses for Beginner, Advanced, and Exceptional answers.
Discuss CASPer® writing tips.
Study for CASPer® on your own time, at your own pace.
Duration of video:
Approximately 55 minutes to complete (4-month access)
Benefits of Course Level 2:
Watch a video prompt and debrief it in detail.
Run through examples of beginner, intermediate AND advanced level answers.
Hear answers to common FAQs about CASPer®.
Go through 3 case studies with responses for Beginner, Advanced, and Exceptional answers.
Gain tips and strategies for improving your responses.
Study for CASPer® on your own time, at your own pace.
Duration of video:
Approximately 55 minutes to complete (4-month access)